Ibrahim 송파구 잠실6동


Ibrahim님의 거래 후기 목록

  • 키임
    송파구 풍납2동

    thank you Ibrahim. good to ur health. be happy .i appreciate that did great deal with u.

  • 키임
    송파구 풍납2동

    he is always kind and smile. and cares for others.

  • 독고구검
    송파구 석촌동

    I really appreciate it.

  • 마비니
    송파구 송파1동

    많이 감사합니다^^

  • 창콩
    송파구 가락2동

    I'll use the closet you gave me. Thank you for your hard work in Korea. I'll pray that only good things happen to your family and you.

  • 타미
    송파구 거여동


  • 키임
    송파구 풍납2동

    detailed explaining , incredible price Are u an angel from heaven ??

  • 이웃간매너거래
    송파구 신천동

    thank you so much😊

  • 단지
    송파구 잠실4동

    thank you condition very good have a nice day

  • 초콜릿
    송파구 잠실6동

    감사히 잘쓰겠습니다~~!!!

  • 머마당근
    광진구 구의제3동

    thank you so much!